
Monday, August 28, 2006

Back from the ban ..

Have not been blogging these days coz my ISP had not lifted the ban on blogger untill recently .. Very strange .. and whats gonna be even stranger is that this government gets another term !!

Anyways .. Apart from many of my devices blowing up due to a short circuit at the meter , nothing major has happened .. Couple of new projects .. Webkrellm is my weekend project which aims at providing machine stats anywhere on the net .. (i.e. on port 80 )

As far as music is concerned , gotta get my guitar back from goa .. which i'm gonna .. on the 7th of september .. have been listening to a lot of joe satriani these days .. also found a stack of old CD's with a "raddiwala" and they turned out to be Yngwie Malmsteen 's hehe .. so bought them .. bulk .. :)

Thats that .. i'm diggin at right now ..
and listening to "The Who -- Baba O'rielly "