Accidentally "five point someone" :-)
It was a Wednesday evening. Somehow I had this urge to eat
chicken Xacuti . Now that's a tough find in Hyderabad I guess. So I decided to go to an Andhra restro and eat some "natu kodi pulusu " .. Chaitra is one place where u get good authentic Andhra food . I reached chaitra at about 7 . The place was closed . The watchman standing outside signaled at a small sign which read 7:30-10:30 . I just strolled down road number 3 , my seemingly insatiable appetite for Xacuti (or similar) fading away.
On the left was a book shop called "akshara" . I decided to have a peek . Spent 15 minutes browsing through the biography section . Just when I was bored enough to leave the place, I saw a book in another shelf called "
five point someone" . The title seemed familiar . I read a couple of pages and my xacuti dreams just shelved themselves in my mind . I had to read this one .. now! . I picked up the book and sped back home . Crashed on the bed and started reading ... a few chapters later . I found myself in the book .. All those crazy years at college just flashed in my mind .. I finished the book in the wee hours of Thursday . I spent the next couple of hours (till sunrise) on a nostalgia trip with black tea and a couple of goldflakes. Dunno why but I still can relate to my college "roller coaster" years to this book ..
Geek nursery rhyme ..
Alan Cox is coming down , coming down , coming down ..
Alan Cox is coming down so all geeks be ready .
He's gonna speak on kernel mods kernel mods .. kernel mods ,
He's gonna speak on kernel mods , so all geeks be ready ..
.. Alan is gonna be down for FOSS.IN ( in
bangalore (29th Nov - 2nd Dec). Good time for asking those kernel module questions or things about the ac- tree or things about his beard .. :-) I wonder what happened to our Good ol
Richard Stallman . He never gets the respect he really deserves i guess ..
And BTW, the old home page i mentioned is HERE
From The FOSS.IN international speakers page :
He is probably one of the most recognisable faces in the FOSS world, and at the same time one of the most respected names, as well. His contributions to Linux rank with those of all the greats out there, and that includes Linus Torvalds.
He has been the official kernel maintainer, and little happens in the Linux kernel today without him having some say in it.
He is an outspoken critic of the DMCA, and has vowed not to set a foot on the USA as long as it exists.
He is the king of his castle, and has his wife's permission to say so.
Conferences and events in India have tried for the past half decade to have him come here, but FOSS.IN/2005 is the first one he has ever agreed to come to.
He is Alan Cox.
Blopulation explosion
DP has quoted some post from puneet's blog! .. man blogs can get people together i guess .. Now that the prolific blogger Puneet 's blog is well known , i would like to call it the
"Dadar station " of blogs :)) ..who's the andheri station? well Uttara's blog i guess :) anyways puneet , i feel nice to be the one who introduced you to blogger .. what happened to gogoi's
( as g[ay]? as gogoi) ??? :))
And I guess i can call myself a veteren blogger now .. because i used to maintain a "homepage" when i was in college .. u guys can find it now at ( circa 2000 .. anyways ,keep up the good work bloggers ..
DP, the picture on your blog (of yourself i guess) will fetch you a good price in the amazonian wood sculpture market .
The Newborn ...
It was raining heavily , i scrambled into a rickshaw and pushed off to paradize circle. The place in hyderabad (secundrabad) where all the computer hardware retailers seem to be concentrated .. I already had in mind what i would buy .. an hour later i was on my way home with a sparkling new
AMD Sempron 2500+ processor, a new MSI K8M800 mother board , a samsung DVD combo and transcend 256 MB DDR 400 RAM .. and ofcourse an optical mouse and a keyboard and a cabinet . all on the bed .. clink clamp .. a push here .. connect the SMPS .. half an hour later .. the machine was ready .. had a copy of slackware 10 with me.. loaded that .. so right now i have a AMD Sempron machine which runs Slackware 10 .. (2.6.26) with some kewl fetures in the via K8M800 .. and BTW, the kickass graphics are provided by a s3 Unichrome IGP ... all in all , i love this new baby of mine ..